One guest who is a political representative of the party whose president is at the moment on trial in the Hague for the crimes of war, licks his lips often as he speaks and says: "Let me explain" very much often.
Most of the guest have very big heads that are square in shape. That is usually how you can tell a political in Serbia, by their square head. Amazing!
Usually the guests, who are politicals, spend the most of the TV time interrupting and saying to each other that they don't like it to be interrupted. That is why the show is called "Interrupt Sunday". Also, it is aired on Sunday.
At the end of the talking part of the show they show funny things that happened on the television that week. For this section, they play modern music of a western type while guests from rural parts of the country call to vote on which funny they like best. Usually it makes a nice contrast. Different.
evo najbolja emisija na svetu: ne prekidete me nedelje! svaka emisija je evako: gost kaze: izvinite gospodja ili gospodjica, budite culturni i cutite dok pricam!
neka druga varijanta:
samo malo samo malo, sacu da vam objasnim. kako mogu da objasnim kad vi prekidete me! svaki put vi ne pustite me da pricam! sacu da vam objasnim! mamu vam jebim budite culturni!
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