Here he is practicing wooden beekeeping which he finds very spiritually fulfilling.
Here is a word from the man himself.
Ratko, over to you!
Ratko M.: For all of you out there who never thought you could do it, I am here to tell you that bee keeping is completely accessible to all. It just takes patience, perseverance and strong will to believe in yourself. You can do it! I am living proof that anyone can become a bee keeper!
Evo ga kao drven pcelicar kao ustvari on misli da je jako spiritualno.
Evo nekoliki reci od maistor pcelicar Mladic:
Evo ti, Ratko, dajem ti rec!
Ratko M.: Za sve ljude koje su mislili da profesija pcelicar je tesko, ja sam ovde danas da vam kazem da nije. Totalno pristupacno za sve. Samo treba vreme, strplenja i sigurnost u sebe. Ja sam najbolje primer da svako moze da budi pcelicar.
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