Hello! Did you know who this is? Ratko Mladic! He is now a bee keeper in a provincial town near Valjevo. It is hard to know who he is but those bees sure know how to smoke him out!
Dobar dan! Dali znate ko je to? Ratko Mladic jebo to! On je sad pcelicar u selo preko Valjevo. Tesko da ga prepoznaj ali pcelice znaju ko je gazda!
trust-worthy blog. i agree
Dear Mrs Adams,
Or should we say Zaklanovic?
Don't think for a second that you can hide behind this jaje i gospodja username. We know who you are! You will be contacted soon for a friendly chat...
Best regards,
I live in the Bosque in Neuva Mexico and my neighbor Senora Dominguez told me that I need to learn Spanish and I said that my partner has bees from Italy...and that is like a whole other country and we are already live in a country within a country so the whole Italian-bee shit in New Mexico is so layered that I can't even process it. Bees process pollen from flowers and you are still my Gentle Flower, so eat that up like sweet honey...AJ
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