on the church calendar you have black days, red days and red bold days. red days are heavy celebrations and red bold days are heavy heavy holidays (kind of like the period for ladies). on those days you don't move. you don't even iron. on the day of the burning Mary, you don't even breathe. The handyman can come to you and say "I will not work. Mary is burning". And you cannot care.
don't know about you but the bold red days sound like the period.
na crkve kalander ima i crni dan i crveno dan i veliko crveno dan. crveno dan je tezik praznik. veliko crveno dan je jako tezik praznik (kao menstracija). na ovih dani ne pomeri se nije da pegla nije da kuva. ognjena marija znaci ne mozes nije da dises. Majstor moze da dodje i da kaze "ognjena marija. nista necu da radim." i nemozes da se ljutes na njega.
Hi Lisa, is this your blog? I love it!!! I wish I could blog like that. Oh well, .... many feel the call, very few are chosen.
All the best, always,
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