
i left it the america two years ago for the belgrade. now i am a lady in serbia once again. i have it the friends and like to cook or dance. this is the blog for me. good day! hello! dobar dan! evo mi! zdravo! ja sam zena, ustvari, strankinja. volim da spremam sarmicu i vanilice ili da igram. srpski narod je nabolje ali manje vise volim crna gorski. imam drugarice i dinare.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hello! my blog is now about the adventures of Thomas the child trafficker in the Balkans!
He is a French but he monitors the transfer of children and sometimes even their body parts in the Balkan peninsula. He isn't a stupid, he knows a good business when he sees one. Those French sure know how to sniff, even in their own moist.

Dobar dan! Ovo blog sad se bavi adventuri Toma Francuz, na Balkanu. On je francuski drzavljanin ali nadgleda transfer dece, ponekad i njihovih delova tela kroz balkansko poluostrvo. On nije glupacar, zna sta je dobro posao na prvi pogled. Ovi fracuzi dobro znaju na mirisati, i u svom soku (znoju).


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