this blog is now a twitter! first twit: sometimes i like a good cake!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Here's another twit: sometimes when i watch bearenstein bears with my two year old i really feel like they have the right approach to life. they make good parents too and they never lose their cool.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hello! my blog is now about the adventures of Thomas the child trafficker in the Balkans!
He is a French but he monitors the transfer of children and sometimes even their body parts in the Balkan peninsula. He isn't a stupid, he knows a good business when he sees one. Those French sure know how to sniff, even in their own moist.
Dobar dan! Ovo blog sad se bavi adventuri Toma Francuz, na Balkanu. On je francuski drzavljanin ali nadgleda transfer dece, ponekad i njihovih delova tela kroz balkansko poluostrvo. On nije glupacar, zna sta je dobro posao na prvi pogled. Ovi fracuzi dobro znaju na mirisati, i u svom soku (znoju).
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
baba roga is, you know, a jiggy bow. you know, a scary song for kids. no wait, a jiggy bow is an idiot from a song. or maybe actually it is a drummer from that band. please send your suggestions.
Friday, October 03, 2008
My multi-practic husband wrote this song last night: Sweet little kitten sweet little kitten going on my nerves. Get to get me baby! Clap! (p.s. if you Serb you can say going on my dick instead)
Moj multi-praktik muz je napisao ova pisma sinoc: Slatka mala macka slatka mala macka, ides mi na zivac. Get to get me baby! Tasi! (Mozete slobodno da kazete ides mi na kurac ako ste iz Beograda)
Friday, September 26, 2008

the only good Croatian humoristic serial that exists is not funny.
But the music for the show is really good. Sacred sacred sacred! Fool and the princess! La la la! Jao! In our neighborhood, la la la, we are all losers from the get go! Oh god! Mother Fucker!
Sveto sveto sveto! Bitange i princeze! La la la! Jao! Ajme! Majko! U komsiluku, mi smo mi smo luseri u startu! Ajme! Majko!

i love wedding cakes! i just hope it isn't integral flour inside! the best cakes are cut with a knife in cold water. it is good these young ones got married for she has a bun in the oven. that is why there are so many cakes. cake for all! cake for babies! cake.
kakva svadba! najbolja i najlepsa na svetu osim svadbe u herzegovini. mlada i muz sigorno ce biti sretni. hvala bogu da neko snima. ima i knoz u hladnoj vodi! a sta jos imaju u hladnoj vodi? znam da mlada ima nesto ko kuva u stomaku. to je zato imaju toliko torte! torte za bebe! torte za porodjaj! Udaj za dece! torte za narod!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Doesn't this Chinese food look edible? In Belgrade, it is precious all along the city although Serbian food is much better. Sarma is the best in the world. That meat neatly tucked in a cabbage is such a treat. No cuisine can compare in all the world. Except the one in Chicago and only maybe.
Evo sad smo svetski grad. Imamo i kineska restoran na web stranu. Ali samo kineze ili jako gladni moze takva hrana da se jedi. Mi imamo ne samo najlepsa hrana nego najlepsa klima i najlepsa zemlja na sveta. Plus, imamo sarmice. Beze bre francuze, ne ma sta da me pokazi od vasa kuhinja!