
i left it the america two years ago for the belgrade. now i am a lady in serbia once again. i have it the friends and like to cook or dance. this is the blog for me. good day! hello! dobar dan! evo mi! zdravo! ja sam zena, ustvari, strankinja. volim da spremam sarmicu i vanilice ili da igram. srpski narod je nabolje ali manje vise volim crna gorski. imam drugarice i dinare.

Monday, July 31, 2006

hi there! hello! i used to own a big company!
bez rakuja, ja ne mogu da konsuntrirusham!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

this is how young mens become strong mens! after the breast feeding comes the beer!
u srbiju, cale uci sine da biti najace momce, malo vise nego Crna Gorski! Nema vise: Api dudu grudi, sine samo piju pivo i igrau kanasta!

hello! my name is vik!
Evo mi! ja sam covek!

Monday, July 17, 2006

this brave man rescued a dead cow from the river even though he is 6 months pregnant!
ovo jako deda je pomagao nasa drustva - on je nasao mrtva krava na reku! deda je trudni 6 meseci.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

he is asleep fuck it!
radnik koje napametnje je nauspavanije!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

there are no geys in Serbia but here is a website that shows what that population does for the fun:
i don't think they can have the fun.
nema pedere u srbiju ali ako hoces da vidis sta ovo populacija radi, pogleaj ovo:

my uncle has three men dogs. he lets them sleep on the top of the hill while aunty must sleep in the basement. he said that men in serbia must be on the top. but if you are a gay you should live in albania.

if you work hard you can get to the top in serbia.
vidi nebo bog te jebo!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Picku materinu! Nema jebi se ketcup! kako ja mogu da pravim prebranac sada!

If you don't want to wash it your car, you can just paint it. my uncle uses paint for the radiator. it can take the heat!
Gazda danas je farbao kolu. bolje nego auto pranje sto posta jebi ga!