Thursday, October 26, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Look at this cute little teddy bear! He will not go to the referendum for the Serbian constitution because he does not make a serbian feast on the day of his saint's name or have a picture of Saint George on his wall or even Lazarus! For Christ's sake!
Vidi ovo sladek medved - srco, duso lepo medo! On nece idi na referendum za ustav zato sto on ne zna da pravi pravilna srpska slava - on nema pojma da pravi sarmica, nema zena, i nema sliku druga Tita - on ne pravi dobar Srpski Krscanin!
i love pasta night with live piano music at my favorite restaurant "tito's place"! they have it a great buffet made with love in a hot atmosphere. yesterday there was an explosion of the army warehouse but it didn't destroy "tito's place". thanks the god.
Testo Vecer!
Buffet najboljih pasti za ljubitelje ukusa i kvaliteta
Uživaćete u toploj atmosferi našeg restorana
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
i am wondering something. how did the plane in new york get clearnance to fly so low? did they call and say "hi. i would like to fly around the manhattan and look at it the buildings!"?
another thing is, in serbia you have to tuck in your shirt or else you will have liver problems. also, you have to dry your hair for 3 hours before you go outside or else you could get some form of cholera or schizophrenia. you should never open the window because of the draft or you could get some kind of professional deformation or a bad mood or even a urinary infection.
promaja jebi ga. za koj niko nema lek zato.
i speak in cyrillic now. it is the official language of serbia. we will have a new constitution and the billboards tell us that it will be a new beginning for it us the serbs. i like it because now when we have it the constituion day we will have a real reason to celebrate. before, we had it the constitution day but not the constituion.
jedva cekam da imam novi sanc ispred zapodski fasisti! evo ti karla, nas novi pocetak, nas novi ustav ali na cirilicom.