in the belgrade they have a new frozen drinks cafes. they are international drinks like frapakino or mokalata but called a freezer. they are at international prices with bartenders of european quality. the freezer drink is good for the heat wave because there are no air klimas for sale in the belgrade. sometimes, we go to the international grocery stores for the cold air break and to buy cheese from greece. but this is to be aware because the greece cheese is expensive.
srbi su najtolerantni ljudi - oni imaju i americke kafane za kafu sa nepoznatama imenima i konobare na evropska standarda. to ti je super za ovo vruca vreminski period zato sto nemamo vise masine za klime da kupimo (ali nase brate rusi su obecivali da nas daj klima) . Ili mozda idi u Vero ili najbolje ti je Merkator da se hladimo.