my friend from the croatia was taking IQ test on the internet last night and she told me: i really turn out to be stupid. ajme majko!
but when she was playing the i want to be a millionaire game for america she did really well. better than the i want to be a millionaire game for serbia. there she didn't get so far. i wonder how she would do in i want to be a millionaire croatia? or i want to be a millionaire germany? both would probably be good for her.
Here are the questions for comparison -
i want to be a millionaire america:
what does the F stand for in TGIF
i want to be a millionaire serbia:
which serb invented electricity
i want to be a millionaire croatia:
which croat invented electricity
Dalmatinka je testirila se za IQ sinoc i rekla mi da na kraju, ona je glupa.
Ali, kad je igrala "hocu da budem milionajr - americka verzija" na internet, ona je dobila mnogo pare. U istu vremu, nija dobro radila kad je igrala "hocu da budem milionajr - srpska verzija". ne znam zasto ali sigorno bice bolje kad igra "hocu da budem milionajr - hrvatska" ili "ich bien milioneir deutschland". Ti su za nju.
Evo neki pitanje kao primeri:
milionajr amerika:
sta znaci "U" u USA
milionajr srbija:
Koj srbin je nasao struje
milionajr hrvatska:
Koj hrvat je nasao struje