
i left it the america two years ago for the belgrade. now i am a lady in serbia once again. i have it the friends and like to cook or dance. this is the blog for me. good day! hello! dobar dan! evo mi! zdravo! ja sam zena, ustvari, strankinja. volim da spremam sarmicu i vanilice ili da igram. srpski narod je nabolje ali manje vise volim crna gorski. imam drugarice i dinare.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

my friend from the croatia was taking IQ test on the internet last night and she told me: i really turn out to be stupid. ajme majko!

but when she was playing the i want to be a millionaire game for america she did really well. better than the i want to be a millionaire game for serbia. there she didn't get so far. i wonder how she would do in i want to be a millionaire croatia? or i want to be a millionaire germany? both would probably be good for her.

Here are the questions for comparison -

i want to be a millionaire america:
what does the F stand for in TGIF

i want to be a millionaire serbia:
which serb invented electricity

i want to be a millionaire croatia:
which croat invented electricity

Dalmatinka je testirila se za IQ sinoc i rekla mi da na kraju, ona je glupa.

Ali, kad je igrala "hocu da budem milionajr - americka verzija" na internet, ona je dobila mnogo pare. U istu vremu, nija dobro radila kad je igrala "hocu da budem milionajr - srpska verzija". ne znam zasto ali sigorno bice bolje kad igra "hocu da budem milionajr - hrvatska" ili "ich bien milioneir deutschland". Ti su za nju.

Evo neki pitanje kao primeri:

milionajr amerika:
sta znaci "U" u USA

milionajr srbija:
Koj srbin je nasao struje

milionajr hrvatska:
Koj hrvat je nasao struje

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hello! Did you know who this is? Ratko Mladic! He is now a bee keeper in a provincial town near Valjevo. It is hard to know who he is but those bees sure know how to smoke him out!

Dobar dan! Dali znate ko je to? Ratko Mladic jebo to! On je sad pcelicar u selo preko Valjevo. Tesko da ga prepoznaj ali pcelice znaju ko je gazda!

Here he is practicing wooden beekeeping which he finds very spiritually fulfilling.

Here is a word from the man himself.

Ratko, over to you!

Ratko M.: For all of you out there who never thought you could do it, I am here to tell you that bee keeping is completely accessible to all. It just takes patience, perseverance and strong will to believe in yourself. You can do it! I am living proof that anyone can become a bee keeper!

Evo ga kao drven pcelicar kao ustvari on misli da je jako spiritualno.

Evo nekoliki reci od maistor pcelicar Mladic:

Evo ti, Ratko, dajem ti rec!

Ratko M.: Za sve ljude koje su mislili da profesija pcelicar je tesko, ja sam ovde danas da vam kazem da nije. Totalno pristupacno za sve. Samo treba vreme, strplenja i sigurnost u sebe. Ja sam najbolje primer da svako moze da budi pcelicar.

Beekeeping is an art not an occupation. And I don't need a lawyer to tell me that!

Bolje pcelicar nego geroj u Shenginigen.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hi! What did you eat for breakfast?

guess what? they arrested the radovan karadzic! here is how the story goes:

Karadzic and Mladic were disappeared from public view. But this month a democratically elected, pro-western Serbian government who likes to go to the slava of the big fat Palma, came to power. Don't worry, they are with the reformist Tadic.

Then, the reformer and his helpers had a meeting scheduled with the EU about how Serbia can only join the membership if they arrest it the Karadzic and the Mladic.

So, the day before the meeting, they found him the Karadzic in the kafana Stara Herzegovina. He was tracked down by a Serbian action team called "Pijanac broj 1". Now they can have the meeting and it will be a good one! Score reformist Tadic!

Guess what else? They will, says a specialist American from the action team "Pusi kurac na Balkanu" said that they will most likely arrest it the Mladic tomorrow if the weather is nice.

Strange how they found this big headed man so quickly! How on earth did they find him? They must have used special glasses to do so and probably it helped because that Karadzic has such beautiful hair.

The reformists must feel really like having another Slava. Maybe this time they will invite the new best friends "Ceda liberalist big hero" and "short-hands Dacic" of Slobo Slobo and the Milosevic cult jam, popular in the 80's (but never as much as money in the pocket).

The end.

Friday, July 11, 2008

The draft is dangerous! Do you know anyone affected by the draft? If so, please sign up on my website to stop it. We must act now to end it! It is atrocity! I mean, by the way, not a draft beer or a draft paper but when the wind blows.

Just yesterday, my uncle's lips were paralyzed by the draft and now he can only say words that begin with the letter 'O'. now we always have to say things like: "the sky is falling uncle" so that he will reply, "OH!"

promaja je opasna. Dali znate nekoga ko ima problemima kao facijalna paraliza kao rezultat promaje? Ako da, javite se na web stranu!

Juce, stric je dobio facijalna paraliza, ustvari paraliza usta i sad moze samo da kaze rece ko pocne sa 'O'. Moramo da kazemo sad samo stvari kao: " ej stric, ajmo do kladionice da se igramo malo!" da on moze da razgovora "Obavezno!"

raising a child in beautiful Serbia:

The other day, it was approximately 96 degrees in the Fahrenheit and 36 in the Celsius. We went to visit a man friend who just received a son. As is custom here, you visit the father the night the baby is born to celebrate while the wife is in the hospital. Part of the custom is to rip the father's shirt. I do not know why but we do it.

After we arrived, a woman came and sat next to me and my baby and said "don't you think the air from the fan will bother your baby and make him sick?" As she said this to me she lit a cigarette.

I give up.

srpska verzija:

pusi kurac ti i tvoj babska prica!

today i got a pedicure but on my way home to show my husband, i stubbed my big finger. Damn it! My leg fingers never looked so good!

danas ce biti na francuskom:

nails? ca veut dire les ongles en francais? on n'a pas l'habitude d'aller pour les pedicures en france! en france, le pedicure c'est le micro surgerie quoi! si vous voulez faire quelque chose de la beaute pour votre homme, ne douche pas pendant deux semaines. le scent est magnifique et trop sensuelle pour les mots!